Backing Up Gitea
So I use gitea to handle my git repositories, because reasons. Backing up your data is important, and gitea supports dumping it’s data which is nice for backing it up.
Below is a simple script I put together to handle these dump files in a reliable way. It simply copies the dump file to a separate directory and keeps only the latest 10 zip files. I later copy these to another computer for safe keeping using syncthing…because reasons.
Hopefully this is useful for someone else, so that someone else doesn’t have to write a similar script themselves.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import pathlib
import shutil
import os
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)-6s %(message)s')
dump_directory = "/var/lib/gitea"
backup_directory = "/path/to/backup/folder/gitea"
path_obj = pathlib.Path(dump_directory)
zip_files = path_obj.glob("gitea-dump-*.zip")
for f in zip_files:
logger.debug("Moving %s to backup directory...", f)
shutil.move(str(f), backup_directory)
except shutil.Error:
logger.debug("File already exists!")
logger.debug("Removed duplicate zip file")
logger.warning("Failed to remove duplicate zip")
# store the last 10 snapshots
backup_obj = pathlib.Path(backup_directory)
backups = [f for f in backup_obj.glob("*.zip")]
# Sort by modified time, extract the oldest 10
backups_sorted = sorted(backups, key=lambda f: os.stat(f).st_mtime)
old_snapshots = backups_sorted[:10][:10]
keepers = backups_sorted[-10:]"Found %s snapshots", len(backups_sorted))
snapshot_complement = [s for s in old_snapshots
if s not in keepers]
for snapshot in snapshot_complement:"Removing %s", snapshot)
And since I run NixOS on most of my machines, this is the service declaration for running this script every night: =
enable = true;
description = "backup gitea";
path = [ pkgs.python3 ];
serviceConfig =
Type = "oneshot";
ExecStart = "${pkgs.python3}/bin/python3 /path/to/";
wantedBy = [ "" ];
systemd.timers.backupGitea =
description = "backup gitea";
partOf = [ "backupGitea.service" ];
wantedBy = [ "" ];
timerConfig.OnCalendar = "04:45";