CoreRAD is pretty rad
I’m currently working on replacing my router with a newer machine running NixOS. While preparing the necessary configuration I discovered mdlayher/corerad, which looks like a modern replacement for radvd.
The configuration is done in toml and is pretty straight forward. A basic configuration (very similar to the reference configuration) might look like this:
name = "eth1"
advertise = true
prefix = "2001:db8::/64"
name = "eth2"
advertise = true
prefix = "2001:db8:1::/64"
address = "localhost:9430"
prometheus = true
I haven’t tested the above as I’ve used the NixOS DSL to configure the service. Above should look something like this in nix:
{ config, libs, ... }:
services.corerad.enable = false;
services.corerad.settings = {
interfaces = [
name = "eth1";
advertise = true;
prefix = [{ prefix = "2001:db8::/64"; }];
name = "eth2";
advertise = true;
prefix = [{ prefix = "2001:db8:1::/64"; }];
debug = {
address = "localhost:9430";
prometheus = true;
A few things are implied in the above – like that the machine running CoreRAD is the router and DNS server, for example. These parameters can be changed if needed, but for most home applications (like mine) this is a correct assumption.
One final perk is that we can scrape prometheus metrics, and that there’s already a Grafana dashboard to start from.