Incus primer

Primer, Networking, Incus

I’ve been experimenting with Incus recently, and here’s a short primer mostly for future me. My goal is to provision all my containers using terraform even though the Incus webui is pretty nice as well. This primer will mostly cover my setup.

It should be mentioned that when I started experimenting with Proxmox I wanted to use something like cloud-init with Proxmox Containers, which sadly doesn’t seem to be available. So I kept looking at alternatives and tested Incus, which proved to be a great idea!

Table of Contents

Networking setup #

I’m using this on a Debian 12 based machine with 2 NICs and ZFS. I have setup my network cards to something like this:

  • bridge0, for management1, only untagged traffic, with eth0 as a bridge member
  • incusbr0, for container traffic, only tagged traffic, with eth1 as a bridge member

I’m not using the normal, managed Incus bridge (due to reasons) but I manually setup this bridge using systemd-networkd. My network in general uses one VLAN per service which I want to continue to do, mostly due to reasons.

Incus setup #

I have a default profile setup which contains basic configuration (which storage pool plus an network interface name) plus a set of other profiles per network configuration, which basically means one additional profile per VLAN.2

# Create a profile for vlan1000
incus profile create net-services
incus profile device add net-services eth0 \
    nic \
    nictype=macvlan \
    parent=incusbr0 \

Once the profile is setup, I can just create as many containers as I like for said subnet, chaining the profiles together.

# Launch a new container using the default + net-services profiles
incus launch images:debian/12 \
    hello-world \
    --profile default \
    --profile net-services

Authentication #

The default, recommended authentication setup for remote access3 uses client certificates, which I like as it’s good enough for homelab use (for “real” usage you’d want something more!).

# Expose the server
incus config set core.https_address :8443

Then, visit the Incus host with a web browser and follow the tutorial to setup a client certificate and importing it in your browser/system.

Stacking profiles #

One nice pattern is to stack multiple profiles on a container instance, where each profile adds some important functionality. My first idea was to setup SSH authentication and my internal CA inside each container automagically using cloud-init.

To use the setup-server profile together with the net-services profile (which contains necessary networking configuration) you could create a new instance like this:

incus launch images:debian/12/cloud \
    hello-ssh \
    --profile default \
    --profile net-services \
    --profile setup-server

setup-server #

This is literally the first time I’ve used cloud-init, but it’s pretty straight forward to use – I think using vendor-data is reasonable for this use-case.

  cloud-init.vendor-data: |-
      - default
      - name: ansible
        groups: users
        sudo: ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
         - ssh-ed25519 fooooobaaaar
    package_update: true
      - openssh-server
      - curl
      - ssh-ed25519 foobar oscar@example
      - |
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----    
description: Setup an internal, Ansible ready container
devices: {}
name: setup-internal
used_by: []
project: default

This is enough to use Ansible and internal ACME with the container! There are also many more modules in cloud-init and the documentation is pretty good.

systemd-networkd setup #

This is nothing special, below is simply for completeness.

# incusbr0.netdev


This interface doesn’t receive any untagged traffic, so no point in setting up any addressing et c for it.




Then, for any physical interface that is member of incusbr0:



Conclusion #

I like Incus, and anyone interested in it should try the interactive demo environment available! And if the above setup seems unnecessary complicated, it is due to my particular setup and not because of Incus.

  1. I went with a bridge in case I ever want to run containers on the management interface, or add another NIC for management. ↩︎

  2. I think this works OK, even though my initial goal was to replicate the default Proxmox setup with a bridge to which I just created VLAN sub interfaces to. ↩︎

  3. The default host level access uses normal unix groups which is very reasonable. ↩︎